Monday 6 February 2012

A blog

I have often thought of writing a blog.  Years ago my partner suggested I write about cafes and cooking.  Where was the hot place to have coffee?  What fancy meal had I carefully constructed for a Saturday night dinner party with friends?  What delicious wine had we drunk?  Of course there would be glamorous photos of half-drunk glasses of wine, perfectly formed lattes, and Masterchef-esque meals on show.  

Somehow though, life has changed.  I no longer have time to pour over the Epicure in Tuesday’s Age, or the A2 on Saturday, to read up on all the new, hip places to go for a coffee, a drink, breakfast.  In fact things are now so crazy at our place that we discovered last weekend we had managed to even forget to resubscribe to the paper this year.  There are now two children to contend with, and at four and nine months respectively they are quite the heavy weight time suckers in our house.  

I am on leave from my ‘real job’ as a teacher, but am working from home, and really, with all the things I have on, writing a blog seemed like just another chore to put on my ‘to do’ list.  But actually, it isn’t a chore to write about the things you are interested in, and hopefully will interest a few others along the way.  I am determined to find the time to knock out a few lines here and there and share my experiences of things in my world, my neighbourhood.

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