So, I have become addicted to Instagram. Yes, completely addicted.
I am constantly snapping pics of the local 'hood (ones that make me appear interested in arty, cool stuff only), and uploading them to my account. I have a small following, attracting a few comments, and almost feel like I have 'made friends' with a couple of them. Oh this weird, weird online world we live in.
Yesterday I was flicking through other people's recent photos when I stumbled across 'Oocha' making apple fruit leather in her dehydrator. It looked DELICIOUS, and like something my children would eat. Basically like a Roll-up but without all the rubbish in it. One of her followers commented that she made hers in the oven. I thought, I have an oven, I have fruit puree, I can do this!
Eight hours later I was rolling up my very own Apple and Rhubarb fruit leather, and chopping it into small rounds, perfect for kinder lunch boxes. Here's how it goes:
Cook and puree any fruit you like. I used apple and rhubarb, but I read an interesting combo of cherry, pear and blueberry, yum!
Place baking paper on a flat tray
Spread fruit puree evenly over the baking paper to about 2 mm thick. Do not spread too thinly or the leather becomes brittle and breaks
I sprinkled my puree with a tiny amount of Cinnamon and brown sugar (the rhubarb was pretty tart). This step would be optional, or you might think of a different spice to use!
Place in an oven on the lowest setting you have. In my oven this was about 60-70 degrees Celsius.
Leave overnight, or for about 8 hours. I put mine in at 12pm, and was rolling it up at 8pm.
Peel the leather off the baking paper carefully so as not to tear it. Roll up while still warm and cut into any sized piece you like.
P.S. I know my fruit leather looks suspiciously like salami, but trust me, it is tasty!